Her Ladyship

Notes from the gutter.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Heading out

Once again, I have lugged my suitcase with me to work. This weekend I am headed out West to cowboy country. I'll be visiting The Texan in San Antonio. Can't wait! We're going to bar-hop along the Riverwalk, drive down to Padre Island (college!), and have a potluck with his buddies on the 4th. Who apparently think that I'm some East Coast effete, so I'm planning on wearing my "I hate what you're wearing" t-shirt from gofugyourself.com and putting out Brie. How you like me now? Ha ha, just kidding. Well, I do plan on wearing that shirt because it's the cutest shirt ever, but I'm also going to make my wine cake and salsa verde. That should buy me some warm feelings and then my natural charm will win them over. Undoubtedly.

More importantly, the Texan and I'll get to talk in-person instead of on the phone. I'm starting to worry about the long-term effects of prolonged and daily usage of my cellphone's earbud. I'd originally held the phone up to my ear, but within two weeks was starting to suffer pangs of carpal tunnel in my wrists, so I switched to the earbud.

I am itching to leave already, before the thunder- and hail-storms hit this afternoon. But nothing I can do about it now - I will just have to cross my fingers that we get out of here roughly on time. I did schedule a 90-minute layover en route, so that should give me a fairly good cushion in case of delays. At first, I almost bought a much cheaper ticket, but they had me scheduled for a 30-minute layover. Are they insane? Who can make one of those? Not even if the flights came and left out of the same terminal would I sign up for one of those. I have been on a flight that was supposed to touch down at an airport and then leave again from the exact same gate and somehow I still managed to miss the connection.

And I'm sure there will be some sort of tussle over my shoes while going through airport security. Apparently strappy sandals and bejeweled flip-flops are suspicious these days. Getting...angry...

Okay, I'll take a step back and just focus on the positive. One way or the other, I will end up in San Antonio at some point in the not-so-distant future.

In the meantime, I've been invited to the Canadian embassy for a lunch to celebrate Canada Day. While I don't really have any ties to our northern neighbors, a party is a party. I figure a couple of Molsons should set my weekend off right. Happy Canada Day everyone!

Oh, and to my fellow American imperialists, have a great 4th of July. Travel safe, and see you next week.


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