Her Ladyship

Notes from the gutter.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The transformation is complete

On Sunday, September 25, 2005, at 6:16 PM, I finally succumbed to that which I've fought for lo these many years: I officially became a Krazy Kat Lady.

See, my cat Shrapnel's purple collar with "princess" embroidered on it in gold was getting a bit frayed around the edges, so I figured that this would be an appropriate time to butch him up a bit. Maybe something with Harley-Davidson on it or perhaps the good ol' stars and stripes.

However, when I saw the hot pink, leopard print collar with rhinestones AND a bow on it, well, there was simply no choice. I had to have it. And he had to suffer because of it. Sometimes it's a good thing that cats can't talk, because otherwise I'm sure I'd have heard an earful about enough with the damn dress-up already.

As of Sunday, he is now working my apartment in his new rakish collar and bow. And you know what runs through my head when I see him in it? "Why did I wait seven years to put a bow on this cat? He looks so pretty!"

Confidential to The Texan: Um, this post wasn't a deal-breaker, was it? I promise I won't doll up your dog. At least, as far as you'll know.


  • At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You better Fu**in not



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