Her Ladyship

Notes from the gutter.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Woman-child in Bean-town

So tomorrow I head to Taxachusetts* for a work trip. I'll be in meetings Friday and Saturday, but by Saturday night, I should be landing on my college roommate FilmStar's door. She lives less than a mile away from, what, Shea Stadium? Ha ha, I know. It's actually Dodger Stadium. Kidding, rabid Red Sox fans. Please don't hurt me.

I haven't been to Boston since I was sixteen and participating in Harvard's annual Model UN conference (I told you I was a geek in high school). (Btw: totally got robbed of our award by the committee chairs. My co-delegate and I owned that committee.) (Good thing I can let go of slight grievances from well over a decade and a half ago.). At any rate, this should be quite a different experience. From what I hear, Boston has a lot of good bars and even better Indian food. Hmm, that does seem to be the criteria I use when rating towns to visit, doesn't it? Well, could do worse. Ooh, maybe we can go to Little Italy too and get pizza - it's been way too long since I had a slice.

You say there are museums and historical monuments and stuff in Boston too? Good to know. I guess I could at least pretend I was going to do anything besides shop, eat, and drink. But I'm not. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm pretty shallow. See you guys Monday.

* Obligatory Simpsons reference. Gold star to the first person to identify both the speaker and the episode.


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