Her Ladyship

Notes from the gutter.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Grey no more

When I lived in DC, I bounced around various stylists until I finally found one who I just loved. One of the first things I did when I finalized my moving arrangements to SA was booking one (sniff) last appointment with her. We laughed, we cried, she gave me the exact formula that she used to make up my hair dye. It was a wonderful good-bye.

Here in SA, I have not had that kind of connection with anyone else. I've tried everything you're supposed to: ask people whose hair you like who they go to, search up Aveda concept salons, read reviews, etc. It's not that I've had bad experiences per se, they just haven't really left me a-twitter. And given how expensive a cut and color runs these days (fellas, it's well into three digits, FYI), I didn't feel like I was getting my money's worth.

So when the white hairs began to become far too numerous for me to talk away ("Oh, it's just the light hitting my head at that angle"), I figured what the hell, I'll try out the Aveda school and have a student work on my hair. They have different scales for fees depending on whether a "sophmore," "junior," or "senior" doing it, but no matter how you slice it, it's dirt-cheap.

Of course, there is a caveat to all this: namely, a student will be the one doing the cutting and coloring. But I have a fairly easy cut and only do a single-process color (I have a lot of hair, and if I ever tried to highlight it, I would probably have to clear out a week), so I figured what did I have to lose and booked the appointment.

They have an "educator" (who presumably is someone who has actually passed the board exam) come over and look you over before anything irrevocable is done, and one comes by after it's all over to make sure the cut is even, but other than that, the student does it all.

Turned out that the student working on my hair did a pretty good job. The cut is good, the color hasn't rubbed off yet. Best of all, my hair no longer has that purple tint that it did in certain lights from the last dye job it got (from a licensed professional who really should know better). And it was under a third of what it would have cost me to get it done at a salon. SOLD.


My other big adventure this weekend was riding the scooter down to the Aveda school and back. It's 22 miles round-trip, by far my longest jaunt to date. But it was a lot of fun - gorgeous sunny weather, perfect for riding. The only sour note was that thanks to an unusally wet end of summer, we have been inundated with butterflies. They're quite pretty but when you hit one going 45 mph, it feels like an icy hot stick has poked you in the neck (or wherever it was unfortunate enough to plow into you).


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