Her Ladyship

Notes from the gutter.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


All winter the meterologists have been toying with us. Maybe this time we'll get some snow! No, maybe this time! Okay this time, we're really pretty certain. No, really. No, really this time!  And of course, each time, nothing panned out.

So when they predicted snow Sunday night into Monday, I thought, yeah right. First off, nice track record you guys got there. Second, it's the end of March - DC doesn't really get snow that often as it is, much less this late in the season.

Cut to snow falling and sticking even through most of yesterday. We had yet another medical appointment for La Principessa (all good), and I didn't bring an umbrella because it wasn't supposed to snow much more than mid-morning. I don't know why I keep such faith in weather prognostication.  It's a dicey sort in the best of climates, and DC is right at the fault line of several weather patterns so it's a real crap shoot to predict what's going to happen.  Long story only moderately short, we had to spend a lot of time shielding La Principessa from snow while we waited for various forms of transportation. Fortunately, her stroller/car seat combo is pretty water-tight, which cannot be said for my coat.

As for La Principessa, we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. She hit four months last week and has been, more or less (KNOCK WOOD), been sleeping through the night. Plus she's improved her bottle work greatly- still not 100% at it, but much better. Plus she's pretty damn cute.  At times, it's her strongest asset.

Saturday, March 09, 2013


Last year, in an effort to save money (the official reason) and because it's neat-o (unofficial), we got rid of our cable and switched to watching TV that was downloaded from online.  One of the good things is that it got rid of commercials. One of the bad things it that you can really miss out on pop culture stuff unless you seek it out. Or regular culture stuff - the Texan and I both were completely unaware that the time change is this weekend until someone emailed me about it from work. My dad used to call me every year to tell me about the time change and each time, I'd tell him that I was way ahead of the game. He's stopped calling me to alert me to this, figuring that I'm an adult and able to figure it out myself.  He is wrong. 

The other strange thing is that you can decide which version of shows you'd like to watch. For example, the Texan got the entire series of "MASH" and has been working his way through it. He decided to get the version without the laugh track. It is very odd to watch the show without it, as the actors pause just long enough between lines for the laugh track to fill in.  I am so glad that we are moving away from laugh tracks overall - they are highly annoying.


Update on La Principessa: she slept for six hours in a row yesterday. Hooray!  They were, however, from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. Boo!  At some point, we'll get her so that she's in our time zone; at least, we keep telling ourselves that when up for a 4 am feeding.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013


The DC weather media have been working themselves into a state of frenzy about today's snowstorm ("Snowquester," heh) since last week.  First it went from a possibility of snow, to a good chance of snow, to a lot of snow.  Last night, they kept revising their projected totals upwards, with the latest tally being 5-10 inches within the Beltway.  Do I even have to say it?  Some snow, a lot of rain, practically nothing sticking.  Rats.  I was kind of looking forward to this, as we haven't had much snow at all this winter.  Even so, the federal government has shut down in the DC area, meaning that life overall has shut down, since everyone follows the feds.  The Texan has made noises about making a snowquester cake, which I think is a good way to spend a snowy/rainy/wet Wednesday. 