Saturday night, The Texan and I were Democrats in a better-dead-than-red Republican city.
We were at our favorite wine bar. I was examining the list, trying to figure out which new wine I wanted to try*, when a 20-something, clean-cut guy in a suit came up and started talking to The Texan. Now, in DC, this guy would've been one of the many former frat boys who are now hard-core conservatives, so I figured that here in San Antonio, this would've been more of the same.
His first topic of conversation didn't undo any of my stereotypes, as he was asking us about good rums (he'd overheard Tex ordering a rum and coke, and he wanted to get a good one for his dad). Having just been to Guatemala and bought two bottles of what's supposed to be the best rum in the world**, I was more than happy to share my knowledge.
Then the guy goes on to say that he doesn't know much about rums, as he's a scotch drinker. He says, "Yeah, I decided that it was high time us Democrats took scotch back from the Republicans." HOW DID HE KNOW? Did we accidentally flash a sign? Was it The Texan's long hair? Was it merely because we were in a wine bar? At any rate, I was stoked to meet a fellow Dem, and we spent the next few minutes chatting away. I don't know what sorts of pheromes we were exuding, but I hope that this continues for the future. It's been nice meeting people who aren't your typical inside-the-Beltway Dems, but it's also pleasant to talk with someone about politics and not have to bite your tongue.
* I ended up ordering a South African pinotage, which I'd heard of only because a few months before I left DC, my book club accepted the inevitable and became a wine club. We tried to class it up by picking a region (South Africa) so that we could at least pretend we were learning, but still... Anyways, Saturday night, when I asked for the pinotage, the bartender had to call in his boss, who then explained to me that no one had ever asked for that wine. Once he knew where it was from, he was able to dig up a bottle for me, and it was lovely if a bit fruity.
** Thanks again for the tip, RollerDiscoMonkey!